The Collective Research Institute
In Turkey, the research environment has moved away from providing social benefits and nourishing under the influence of political affiliates; they are not independent, impartial, or reliable. Breaking news, rapidly changing agendas, and an extensive array of issues and challenges hinder the comprehensive grasp of underlying causes.
TV broadcasts, social media, and newspapers are shaped by the insights of researchers, experts, journalists, and opinion leaders who reflect societies, prevailing social opinions, social poles, rising emotions, and attitudes of different social segments from their perspectives.
Knowledge production and public access to knowledge in Turkey are problematic in many aspects;
1 - The produced knowledge is not reliable; in other words, it is ‘biased’. Because of being a service to a political structure, position, or politician, engagements cause the produced knowledge to be distorted. While one side of the information is consciously highlighted, other perspectives may be hidden or trivialized.
2 - The research environment is determined by rapidly changing agendas and practical needs. Research that produces and/or rethinks comparable, continuous, guiding concepts, explanations, and approaches about Turkey's essential areas cannot be done. The basic metrics used are not rethought or produced considering the changing sociology. Even when researchers aim for deeper analysis, such efforts often fail to capture the attention of politicians.
3 - There are crucial methodological problems. Much of the data produced is far from scientific, with methods lacking transparency and accountability. Additionally, the approach to developing the research environment is limited, failing to foster open discussion, introduce new methods and technologies, and nurture researchers.
The Collective Research Institute - CORE aims to change this picture...
… by increasing impartial, reliable, transparent, accountable, and objective information production, making data accessible to everyone, and contributing to the research environment.
What kind of research Institute is CORE?
CORE aims to contribute to developing Turkey’s research environment and to politics through field studies, research supports, data and information and knowledge sharing, and innovation studies.
The foundational principles are impartiality, objectivity, and transparency.
CORE produces knowledge for public benefit without hidden agendas, ensuring no involvement of politicians, political advisors, or anyone with political ambitions in its information creation processes.
CORE is truthful in its research, openly sharing findings, avoiding claims without evidence, and remaining unaffected by public opinion, praise, or criticism.
CORE does not distort data, upholds data integrity, sharing all research data fully and accurately to prevent any form of disinformation, misformation, or malinformation.
CORE is transparent, openly sharing its research, data, budget, and methods while being accountable to society for the knowledge it produces.
CORE is impartial, offering data-based insights in public debates without bias and creating data to provide diverse perspectives rather than supporting predetermined positions.
CORE focuses on understanding, modesty, and truthfulness, always aiming to ask the right questions and maintain curiosity while looking for root causes and deepening meanings.
CORE is committed to improving the research environment by following contemporary technologies, developing, testing, and introducing new methods.
CORE nurtures researchers, fostering an environment for knowledge production and contemplation with both young and elder individuals.
CORE guides the creation of meaningful metrics in essential research fields, focusing on developing tools for impactful analysis.
CORE aims for social benefit, utilizing its products and income to contribute positively to society.
CORE strives to make the knowledge it produces accessible to different segments of society, popularizes the information and seeks new ways for it to be discussed in the public sphere.
CORE conducts research and data production to support and strengthen initiatives aimed at enhancing democracy in civil society and the political realm.